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How Olympia Tech helped BuzzBoost secure 300+ influencers in just 2.5 weeks

Discover how Olympia Tech turned BuzzBoost's vision into a reality, enabling them to launch a successful influencer marketing app with over 300 influencers registered within 2.5 weeks.
BuzzBoost Mobile App

BuzzBoost: Turning a vision into reality

BuzzBoost, a promising startup in the marketing industry, had an innovative idea to streamline influencer marketing campaigns through mobile app development. However, the founder struggled to find a developer who could understand his vision, particularly the intricate design and industry-specific requirements. Previous attempts with another non-specialized development company had failed, leaving the founder unable to launch his product.

BuzzBoost Phone CleanDesign and development of the Mobile app

Olympia Tech stepped in to provide a suite of services including branding, UX/UI design, and mobile app development. We began by deeply analyzing the client's needs and thoroughly studying the influencer marketing industry to better understand its dynamics. Empathizing with end users was a crucial step for us in defining the brand voice, designing a logo, and designing a compelling visual language for the product.

Agile development and close collaboration

We adopted an Agile approach to development, focusing on the key project requirements first. The team worked closely with the client on a bi-weekly cadence, presenting results and incorporating feedback every two weeks. This iterative process allowed us to fine-tune the app's features and design, ensuring they met the client's expectations and industry standards.

Cutting-edge technology approach

We decided to use React Native for mobile development since it allowed us to deploy the app on both iOS and Android from a single codebase. This approach reduced the development time drastically, allowed us to utilise our full-stack development capability and kept the budget under control.

For the back-end we chose Java Spring, a reliable and cross-platform stack-filler, and PostgreSQL for its high performance and analytical capabilities. The entire platform was deployed in the cloud on AWS, utilizing a container-based approach for scalability and portability.

Testing and overcoming challenges

After completing the app's design and development, we published the app to TestFlight (iOS) and Google Play (Android) for extensive testing with several groups of internal and external testers. Any detected bugs were promptly fixed by the team, and communication was extensive.

During the integration with social media providers, we faced significant challenges, particularly with Instagram's granular permission structure and TikTok's immature API and web console interface. Through diligent research and determination, our team was able to overcome these obstacles, enabling the app to retrieve critical user data needed for influencer marketing.

Create a Buzz with BuzzBoostA resounding success

The project was completed in seven months. Within just 2.5 weeks of launching, BuzzBoost saw over 300 influencers register on the app and 25+ campaigns running. This rapid success was a testament to our comprehensive approach and close collaboration with the client, and a particularly well-timed launch event to bring attention to the app. It is now available for download on both the App Store and Google Play Store.

Amazing collaboration between BuzzBoost & Olympia Tech

The founder of BuzzBoost was amazed at how quickly Olympia Tech could bring his vision to life. He stated, 'Olympia Tech understood our challenge and was able to think along like no other development company was able to do before. That's why we chose them, and they delivered.' His praise at the launch event highlighted his satisfaction with our involvement and the quality of our work.

Future collaboration

The collaboration doesn't end here. We are committed to continuing our partnership with BuzzBoost to further enhance the app's features and scale its success. This solution has not only positioned the client for future success but also set a strong foundation for ongoing innovation in the influencer marketing space. We look forward to continue disrupting this space with cutting-edge digital tools.

BuzzBoost Logo

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